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Lifestyle the vegan way

Ethical vegan condoms

Cool, vegan friendly condoms: no casein and 100% natural latex. The good thing is that  for every Sir Richard‘s condom bought, they donate one condom to a country in need. Sir Richard’s company collaborates with Partners in Health Haiti providing health care across the country where the need for condoms is rising:

“In Haiti the cost of buying condoms is high and the need for free condoms is growing. Healthcare providers in the settlement camps and clinics have expressed a need for more free condoms to keep a probable surge of new HIV infections from happening in the post-disaster regions”.

I like the package design too, for that extra “I am cool” giveaway. All in all we may justify the higher price.


Sir Richards ethical condoms

Sir Richard's ethical and vegan condoms



Filed under: condoms, Partners in Health Haiti, safer sex, Vegan condoms