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Lifestyle the vegan way

who’s your favorite?

Peta’s Sexiest Next Door Vegetarian Award 2011 is out: who’s your favorite? Boys and girls: when beautiful is ethical. Go on, show your friends that not all vegans are skinny hippies!

From Peta’s website:

At 12 noon EDT on April 11, 2011, voting will open to the public to help determine the finalists. We’ll announce the top 20 finalists—the top 10 vote-getters (five male and five female) as well as the top 10 “judges’ picks” (five male and five female), which will be determined by a PETA panel by 12 noon EDT on May 2, 2011. At that time, a new round of voting will begin in which people will vote for the finalists. The final voting round will end at 12 noon EDT on May 16, 2011

On May 23, 2011, the winners (one male and one female) will be announced!

PS: not all the contestants are vegan, some of them are vegetarians. Go and pick the one you fancy: funny enough the sexiest are vegan.

Filed under: Next Door Sexiest Vegetarian Award, Peta