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Lifestyle the vegan way

Edgy dance music and Vegan Drag Queens

  • Dance music with an edgy message: Mad Chicken Production, a New Zeland based project to dance and awaken people to respect the Ocean and its creatures. Has anyone mentioned Sea Shepherd by any chance? You can download more Mad Chicken Prodction Tunes at their website. MCP is also part of Artists for Sea Shepherd.

    Here is their statement, from the Fb page: “Make music, write lyrics, compose your song, create video-art, whatever that conveys your message on whales being killed for no reason and help us put to these senseless atrocities.Your voice is welcome. So speak up so the world can hear. Inspire us with your art, with your music, with your sound, with your creativity and make the whales message heard through you. For Paul Watson once said: “The most powerful weapon in this compassionate crusade is the passion of the artist.”So it’s time for you to be heard”
    Artists for Sea Shepherd.
  • Vegan Drag Queens: While on one side of the planet MCP is grooving to save the Ocean n the other side, Honey LaBronx, a vegan drag queen in New York is in the process of taking over the world teaching people how to cook vegan. We love her, even when she doesn’t get the measures right: thank God for editing!

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Jònsi goes solo + Good Heart raw recipes

Jònsi of Sigur Ros is out with a solo album titled Go: magical (and theatrical) atmospheres from Iceland, one of the coldest and coolest land on earth. I have always loved the artistic mind behind Sigur Ros because of his ability to build magical musical landscapes, no doubt inspired by the harshness and openness of the Icelandic countryside. The upcoming concert too promises to draw you straight into Jònsi’s imaginary world with a set of special effects and animations: there is an interesting video interview with the production company behind this concerts, go and have a look. It seems like something not to miss and I am definitely going to travel in order not to miss it! Here is the first video form the Go album.

– Jònsi and his boyfriend Alex also have a website JonsiandAlex in which apart from their music project Riceboy Sleeps (another good album) they share a raw foods recipe book titled Good Heart. You can download it or you can read it online: it’s visually a very nice pdf full of healthy and yummy recipes the due have collected loving together. Cool work guys!

We love vegan artists, we adore vegan raw artists like Jònsi and Alex, especially when they come bounded in such a creative couple. Following is Happiness, a track from their Riceboy Sleeps.

Both Jònsi’s own site and Jònsi & Alex sites are full of amazing visuals, something the due obviously take great care of. Jònsi and Alex [*sigh*] such an amazing lovestory.

Filed under: Jònsi, music, raw vegan, vegan cooking